Course Outline
The Introduction to Java is designed to give students their first exposure to a programming language. It is meant for students who either have never learned a programming language before or have learned a different programming language and want to broaden their skillset. The uses of Java are many. It is used in creating mobile applications, web based applications, software tools and much more. It is one of the biggest programming languages in the world.

This course will serve as a foundation upon which students can build the rest of their programming knowledge. It will cover the basic principles of programming and force the students to begin to think like programmers. The Introduction to Java course gives students exposure to programming functional level programs. With the information learned in this course, students will be able to: write their own scripts to solve tedious math problems, write their own games, create a way to chat with the computer; the possibilities are endless! Future courses will introduce more sophisticated ways to solve problems, but the concepts required to understand those ways will be covered in this course.

The self paced nature of the course is what allows the students to truly learn the material. The instructors will go the extra mile to ensure that students truly understand what is being taught, and understand it well enough to apply the information to solving problems on their own. We do not spoon feed code to our students and make them memorize how to program a small sample of projects. Instead, we introduce concepts, provide challenges, and force the students to think through and come up with their own solutions. This is the process that we have seen work on hundreds of students, and it is the process we believe in.

We guarantee that by the end of this course, you will pick up a new skill that is both enjoyable and marketable.
This course is a beginner level course and so, it does not require any prior experience in programming. Since this course is administered online, a computer with a good internet connection is required.

  • 1. Introduction - Install the Java IDE and create your first program.

  • 2. Input/Output - Send inputs to the computer and display the response to the screen.

  • 3. Operations - Perform mathematical operations and solve math problems.

  • 4. Variables - Store any value from your programs for future use.

  • 5. Operators - Make your programs smarter by implementing logical thinking into them.

  • 6. Conditions - Give your programs the power of choice and perform actions under certain situations.

  • 7. Switches - Toggle between different cases.

  • 8. Loops - Repeat the same action multiple times.

  • 9. Nesting - Increase the complexity of your programs by combining loops and nesting.

  • 10. Methods - Create sets of code that can be invoked at any time.

  • 11. Scope of Variables - Identify how long of a lifespan a variable has.

  • 12. Analysis - Analyze pre-written programs and predict their output.